
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Launching your workshops

One way to kick the year off in Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop is to have a really super strong  Read Aloud that sets the tone.

One picture  book that I  recommend is Aunt Chip and the Great Tripple Creek Dam Affair by Patricia Polacco.  This book is about a town worships their  TV's and uses books for everything EXCEPT reading. As Aunt Chip promises everyone,"there will be consequences" and eventually there are some. The lessons that students can take away from this book are endless; the most important being the value of reading books!  I have had teachers let students lead the discussion of why reading is important and this usually leads to some action.  Take a peek at it on Amazon or at your local library.

Another great book to start off the Writing Workshop is The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli. This is a story about a girl who is entering a library contest to write  'the best story'. While looking for inspiration for her story, she gets ideas from her family and friends yet, she feels that her story is still not quite right. Finally, when she writes her story from the heart, she is successful!! Yippie!! As a child who once struggled with writing, this story was me, totally me!
See for yourself by clicking below.

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